Public affairs

Tackle your toughest policy issues with a multifaceted partner.

Top Lobbying Firm in the Twin Cities

We build trust, advocate and solve problems for organizations through strategies informed by our political intelligence—not to mention years of experience in the trenches of state and local government, political campaigns and the private sector.

Our lobbyists develop a tailored approach that is guided by accountability, is flexible to respond to an ever-changing political landscape, and reflects your values. We offer a suite of integrated services to advocate for and protect your interests in the public realm.

A group of Goff Public lobbyists in business attire at the Minnesota Capitol building
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In need of a legislative strategy built on quality political intelligence and executed to deliver success at the highest ethical standard?

Depend on our highly respected, bipartisan team of lobbyists for powerful representation and valuable access to decision makers. We have a tested track record of delivering results for clients on the most demanding issues, from education and the environment to commerce and taxes.

With relationships in every corner of government, you can trust us to leverage the right connections to deliver the best results.

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Advocacy and engagement

With our finger on the pulse of the most relevant political conversations, we develop and execute intentional and creative strategies that build grassroots support into public policy success.

Our advocacy experts aren't just looped in to what's going on in state and local governments—they have a deep understanding of the political nuances affecting your issues and will make sure your messages hit all the right notes with policymakers.

By engaging your supporters in ways that demystify the political process, we can help build in-person and virtual experiences that create lasting impact. Together, we will create a culture of advocacy within your organization.

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Politics and policy move fast. The right words and tone are crucial to ensuring your message resonates with policymakers. Recycled talking points need not apply.

A powerful communications strategy is a critical building block of any effective lobbying or advocacy campaign.

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Public Opinion Research

Influencing public opinion begins with understanding what and how people think, and what can motivate them to think differently.

Through polling, surveys and focus groups, you would be amazed at what people will share if you ask the right questions. We can ask those questions for you, analyze the responses, and help you craft messages and strategies to intentionally and effectively communicate with the right audiences.

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Coalition building

From local concerns to national stories, Goff Public helps organizations build and manage diverse coalitions to affect real change and capture the attention of policymakers.

We can help you prioritize, plan and navigate key relationships and roadblocks. Chances are there are like-minded organizations, supporters, and even unlikely allies who are ready to stand arm-in-arm with you.

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Advocacy Training

Passionate employees, volunteers and leaders can be powerful advocates to help achieve your policy goals. Learn from our political pros about how to meaningfully educate and engage advocates to increase your organization’s influence.

Find an experienced public affairs specialist

Contact Elizabeth Emerson to discuss your policy and advocacy goals.

Elizabeth Emerson headshot

Elizabeth Emerson

Vice President, Public Affairs
Send a Message

“Lobbying isn’t what you see on TV. Good lobbying is being our clients’ eyes and ears in the halls of government. Great lobbying is bringing client voices to lawmakers with whom we have trusted relationships to advocate for change.”

Public affairs Insights

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