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Amp up your hiring and recruiting communications

| June 23, 2022

Heidi Larson

Heidi Larson


Competition for talent in today’s market is fierce and job seekers are scrutinizing your every move. Employees are evaluating companies not only on salary, health care benefits and location, they also want to understand the values and personality of their potential new work environment. Candidates learn about a company’s business and personality through many channels – like your website, news stories, social media profiles, and community awards and recognition – before they even meet a member of your team. That’s why your communications strategy is a critical part of your organization’s recruiting arsenal. We’ve seen this firsthand through our own hiring efforts as our firm continues to grow and through supporting our clients as they recruit in this changing dynamic.

Start with your values

Determining how you will show up externally actually starts deeper within your organization. If put on the spot, how do you describe what you do and how you do it? What’s your mission? What are the traits you value in team members? The answers to these questions should be front-and-center in your external communications like your website or your company description on LinkedIn. It’s also important that current employees know and understand these messages so they can be ambassadors for your organization in their networks. If it’s been a while since you refreshed your company messages, revisiting them before you start hiring is a good idea. Be sure to share any new messaging with current employees for greater internal buy-in.

Check your online rep

Your website is often the first place potential employees look to learn more about your company. If your website is old and outdated, this might send the wrong message about your investments into the organization and technology. Keep it fresh and relevant by updating content regularly. Promote partnerships and achievements that allow others to feel a sense of collaboration and pride, and upload photos and links to other places where your company is highlighted so people can see you in action.

Do you have complete and up-to-date profiles on job boards like Indeed and Glassdoor? What are the most recent reviews saying about working at your organization? While we can’t erase negative reviews, you can appear more open-minded and authentic by regularly responding to criticism you receive on these sites.

Social media gives you even greater opportunity to show your company culture and values in a dynamic way that engages your current employees as well as potential hires. This is where you can let your personality shine! Give followers an inside look at a day in the life of your business or share fun facts about your company history.

Show your brand in action

When you’re in recruitment mode, look for opportunities to build excitement for your organization. Media relations is a powerful way to tell your story and legitimize your workplace in the eyes of potential job seekers. If you’re a large organization, hosting a hiring event like this example at the Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport can be a big draw for media and candidates alike. You can also actively participate in recruiting events like job fairs or raise your profile through speaking opportunities relevant to your industry. When you’re in the spotlight, be sure to bring memorable collateral materials – brochures, business cards, displays, etc. that drive home your values and key messages.

Turn employees into brand advocates

Your current team members know what it takes to be successful at your organization and they are some of your best ambassadors in the community. Capturing testimonials from current employees is one way to communicate simply and effectively about the benefits of working at your organization in a way that potential candidates can understand. This recent video we produced for Spectro Alloys, an aluminum recycler in Rosemount, shows how employee testimonials can bring your messages to life.

Making these investments in your communications strategy can help you engage and attract high-quality candidates long after the hiring crunch is over. Looking for a communications strategy to raise your profile? Get in touch with our team for a customized plan.

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