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Q&A with Team Goff: Reporters to follow

| May 19, 2020

A headshot of, Caroline Burns, a white woman wearing a green blouse.

Caroline Burns

Senior Account Executive

Grace Rose

Grace Rose

Senior Account Manager

As our team continues to work from home, we’ve been checking in to see what everyone’s new routines are, how they are staying busy and how they are adapting to the current state of the world.

This week we asked: Which local reporter would you recommend following on Twitter to stay plugged into community or business news?

“Brian Bakst (@Stowydad), Theo Keith (@TheoKeith) and Dana Ferguson (@bydanaferguson) are reporters I’ve come to trust to keep me informed these days.” – Kevion Ellis

“Star Tribune politics and government reporter Briana Bierschbach (@bbierschbach) has been a great resource to follow for any news updates on the state level.” – Caroline Burns

“Tom Hauser (@thauserkstp) – I think he does a great job on the political front while injecting some fun and personality into his account.” – Andrew Hasek

“Angela Davis (@AngelaDavisMPR), Nicole Norfleet (@NicoleNorfleet) and Chris Hewitt (@HewittStrib) are helping keep me informed.” – Grace Rose

“There are lots of great local reporters sharing content: Jason DeRusha (@DeRushaJ), Torey Van Oot (@toreyvanoot), Fred Melo (@FrederickMelo) and Dave Orrick (@DaveOrrick) to name a few. Newspapers and media outlets are struggling right now and many reporters are taking furlough – which also means a break in their Twitter feeds. So, make sure you follow multiple reporters to stay in the know, and do what you can to support your local media!” – Ashley Aram

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