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Cali Torell

Get to know Team Goff: Cali Torell

| March 17, 2025

As a senior account manager and our lead writer at Goff Public, clients rely on Cali to master their messaging and expertly tell their stories. Her background in journalism arms her with the research savvy and media know-how to make sure even her clients with the most nuanced narratives hit the right chord with the right audiences. Around the office she’s also known for her love of all-things cats, booming hot sauce side-hustle (find her at a maker’s market near you!) and becoming a new mom! Find out about the best parts of her job, what her cats would say if they could talk and more in this month’s Team Goff Q&A.

What was the first job you ever had?

I was meagerly paid to babysit my younger siblings, but my first real job was at Family Video. I spent so much time there growing up, renting the $1 favorites and revisiting classics with my friends. I counted down the days until I turned 18 and could apply. Every week, staff got to take home the new releases before they went on the shelves so we could make recommendations. I think I’ve seen nearly every movie released from 2008-2009.

How did you end up working in public relations?

It was the classic journalist to PR specialist pipeline. I loved working at my college paper – the Minnesota Daily – and stuck with newspapers for a few years after I graduated. It was a natural transition to become an in-house communications specialist and then join an agency. I still wear my reporter hat all the time with our clients.

What’s the most rewarding campaign or project you’ve worked on?

More than any one specific project or campaign, the people I work with matter the most to me. Sometimes, I’ll have short bursts of intense work where I’ll see a client every day or I have others who I’ve worked with since I started more than six years ago. They’ve been (virtually) in my home and met my cats and baby, we’ve shared drinks and meals, and we’ve done some incredible work together.

What’s the most exciting part of your job?

No day, week, month or year is the same. With an ever-changing roster of clients, it’s always fun to dive into new issues and challenges, meet a new cast of characters, and figure things out.

Which family tradition are you most excited about sharing with your little one?

I can’t wait for cabin weekends and time at the lake. My in-laws have a perfect spot near Duluth and I’m so excited for Waverly to grow up spending time there. It’s such a quintessential Minnesotan experience.

What would your cats say about you if they could talk?

They would probably be suing me for compensation in the form of Churu treats for using their name, image and likeness for my hot sauce brand.

If Goff Public was a hot sauce, what would it be called?

“No Duds.” 22 of the hottest peppers you can find.🔥

What’s your go-to karaoke song?

For the past decade, I’ve been doing “It’s All Coming Back to Me Now” by Celine Dion. Before you get too impressed, it’s not about the vocal range. It’s about storytelling.

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