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Celebrating 25 years at Goff Public: Heidi Larson

| February 25, 2021

Heidi Larson

Heidi Larson


February 4 marked an exciting milestone at Goff Public this month – our Chief Financial Officer Heidi Larson celebrated her 25th work anniversary! While so much about our work has changed through this time, Heidi’s dedication to her clients and our company has been constant.

In the spirit of reminiscing, we asked Heidi to reflect on her time at Goff Public. Check out what has both changed and remained the same in her answers below.

How did you originally find out about Goff Public

I responded to a print ad for an account executive in the Star Tribune. I think the ad was only two lines long!

What has been your biggest accomplishment in your career with Goff Public?

There have been lots of highlights, but what has brought me the most satisfaction is solving problems and continually learning. I’ve had the chance to see inside so many industries and companies and I’ve been able to work with hundreds of different people and clients. Every opportunity is a chance to learn and apply that knowledge to future projects and issues.

Over the past 25 years, what has changed about Goff Public and what has stayed the same?

Although the faces of our team have changed, the culture, creativity and excellence that Bob Goff seeded in the firm have only continued to grow and blossom.

From an industry perspective, a lot has changed. When I first started in the public relations business, my job consisted of clipping physical newspapers, downloading clip art from CDs, feeding press releases into a fax machine, and taking copious notes about strategies and ideas (most of them from Bob Goff). That all seems so antiquated today.

Yet while our technologies and modes of communications have drastically changed – a fair amount of our craft has not. Media relations (now more on screens than in print) continues to bolster or harm reputations, images and graphics still need to capture people’s attention (but now in less than a second), and the speed of sharing information continues to increase. Through all of the change, the need for sound strategies and advice has remained. That’s what drives my passion.

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Heidi Larson

Heidi Larson


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