A table with a computer, notepad, and coffee sitting on it

Q&A with Team Goff: Finding inspiration

| April 29, 2020

As our team continues to work from home, we’ve been checking in to see what everyone’s new routines are, how they are staying busy and how they are adapting to the current state of the world.

This week we asked: where are you pulling inspiration from right now?

A table with a computer, notepad, and coffee sitting on it
Caroline’s bright workspace in Saint Paul.

“All the essential workers, not just the folks in the hospitals but the folks in grocery stores, the pharmacies, big box retailers. Those who help bring us what we need.” – Pierre Willette

“I’ve been pulling inspiration from being outside, especially when it’s nice out. Moving around, looking at something that’s not a screen in my apartment, and people watching (from a safe distance!) helps enormously in switching up my thought process and getting inspired.” – Caroline Burns

“I’m pulling my inspiration from the helpers all around us and by spending time outside.” – Heidi Larson

“Most of my inspiration comes from our clients. There are some truly incredible things being done by businesses, nonprofits, government entities and other organizations right now to keep people safe, support local businesses and lift people’s spirits.” – Ashley Aram

“I love seeing all of the chalk artwork and hearts in people’s windows on my runs and walks around the neighborhood. It’s nice to see our community sharing messages of hope with each other.” – Sara Swenson

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