A young man wearing a gray suit sits on a couch in a business conference room and smiles

Get to know Team Goff: James Schueneman

| June 19, 2024

Need someone to write thoughtful and persuasive messaging? A pro at authentically engaging stakeholders? Have questions about accessibility or anything related to AI? Call James Schueneman!

Jim joined Goff Public just over a year ago and plays many vital roles that guarantee our team gets the job done right. Read on to learn his favorite part of working in public relations and which Minnesota hotspot he recommends to out-of-towners.

What drew you to public relations?

I grew up in Omaha in a family of public relations experts. My grandpa owned and operated a news clipping business for 45 years, and my mom founded her own strategic communications and design firm. I’ve been around this work my whole life, so I suppose it was always in the cards.

 What is your favorite part of working in public relations?

I love that every day I’m surrounded by so many organizations doing diverse and interesting work in our state. From nonprofit to business to government, our clients are change-makers in their communities, and it’s always rewarding getting to helping them share their stories.

What’s the best career advice you’ve ever received?

Almost every note, birthday card or letter I’ve ever received from my dad has ended with “Work hard, be good, have fun,” and I think that sums up every aspiration I have in life. When I’m only focused on these three things, time seems to take care of the rest.

Before working at Goff, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?

A young man speaks into a microphone at the front of a bus

One past job through Omaha Public Schools stands out. The summer program, called Making Invisible Histories Visible, gave incredibly talented kids the opportunity to learn about and create interactive maps of Omaha’s past and present immigrant communities. From historic bakeries in Little Italy to bustling Somali bazaars, it was really special helping young students experience and connect with these communities.

What are you reading, watching or listening to these days?

I’m having a blast chipping away at “The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York.” As an urban planning nerd, this has been on my list for a while, and I can now see why this 1,400-page behemoth about municipal bylaws and state politics won the Pulitzer in 1975.

What spot do you recommend out-of-towners visit when they come to Minnesota?

Any time my extended family comes to Minnesota, they go to Matt’s Bar at least once. Yes, Owámniyomni (St. Anthony Falls) and our 10,000 lakes may be impressive, but no amount of natural beauty can bring tears to my eyes quite like a Jucy Lucy.

How are you spending a perfect free day?

I always like setting out on a long walk or road trip with a few friends and no firm plans. I’ve lived in Minnesota for six years now and am still shocked at how many amazing small towns, neighborhoods, parks and more there are in every corner of the state.

Two young men pose and smile on a picturesque green hillside

Where’s the coolest place you’ve traveled to? What’s next on your travel destination list?

My most exotic trip was probably to the cloud forest outside of Nanegalito, Ecuador. I stayed with some friends in a small shack in the Andes where the two most biologically diverse ecoregions on Earth come together, and it was indescribably beautiful. I’d love to return to South America soon.

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