Vice President, Public Relations

As our vice president of public relations, Chris Duffy knows when and how to get our clients the right story. As a former reporter, he understands what motivates journalists and how to use it to help our clients. Read on to learn about Duffy’s experience, his recent proud parenting moment and more.
What led you to work in communications?
I remember it vividly: One of my high school teachers told me I had the “personality and voice” to be a TV reporter. That vote of confidence was enough for me to pursue a communications degree in college. After graduating, I was hired as a TV reporter in Wisconsin and did that for five years.
Before working at Goff, what was the most interesting job you’ve ever had?
In the summers during college, I was a personal care attendant for my little brother Ryan who was born with spina bifida and had special needs. It was memorable and fun, as I got paid to spend time with one of my favorite people!
What are your hopes for the communications industry?
My dream is that the world of communications slows down. The average person is exposed to up to 10,000 messages per day, and most of them are quick and brief. I would love for the number of messages to shrink and the depth of the messages to grow.
What trivia category do you always crush it in?
What has been your proudest personal moment lately?
My 10-year-old son’s baseball team won the league championship this year, and I was surprised by how emotionally impacted I was by it. Watching his team’s resilience in coming from behind, celebrating the walk-off win together and demonstrating good sportsmanship in clapping for the other team made me feel like a proud dad!
Who is someone you’d like to meet and why?
Conan O’Brien. He is my comedic hero and seems to be a smart and upstanding human. Fun fact: I have listened to every single one of his podcast episodes from beginning to end!